Python/VIT/sem-1/ex-14/5. Password security/Password
# Check if the given password contains exactly 12 alpha numeric characters with at
# least 1 special symbol and 1 Uppercase alphabet.
import re
s = input("Enter password: ")
if re.findall(r'[A-Z]',s) and re.findall(r'[!@#$%^&*]',s) and re.findall(r'[0-9]',s) and len(s)==12:
print("Valid password")
print("Invalid password")
if not re.findall(r'[A-Z]',s):
print("Needs uppercase alphabets")
if not re.findall(r'[!@#$%^&*]',s):
print("Needs special characters")
if not re.findall(r'[0-9]',s):
print("Needs numbers")
if not len(s)==12:
print("Needs exactly 12 characters")